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History: Timeline



1733-1743 The Great Nordic Expedition. Russia planned to map the coast of Siberia and the west coast of America.


1741 Vitus Bering sailed from Kamchatka, Russia into the Gulf of Alaska. His ship wrecked on Bering Island where he died shortly thereafter. Survivors of the wreck were able to return to Kamchatka and brought news of the potential fur trade in Alaska.


1824 Russo-American Treaty of 1824 was ratified by Russia and the United States of America. This treaty affirmed Russia’s exclusive rights to the area north of 54°40′N.


March 30, 1867 the US purchased Alaska from Russia. 586,412 square miles (375,303,680 acres) of land was purchased for $7,200,000 (about $.02/acre). This increased the size of the US by nearly 20%.


1870s Gold was discovered in Alaska.


1906 The Alaska Native Allotment Act (ANAA) gave Native Alaskans a means to obtain legal title to lands they use and occupy (up to 160 acres per claim).


Jan 3, 1959 The Alaska Statehood Act made Alaska the 49th State on January 3, 1959 and was signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower.


1966 The Alaska Federation of Natives was founded to advocate for Native land claims.


1967 Oil was discovered in Prudhoe Bay.


1971 The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) was signed.


1973 The Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act was signed.


1973 The Ouzinkie Native Corporation was formed as a native village corporation pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971.

Ouzinkie Office:

P. O. Box 89 | Ouzinkie, AK 99644

PH: 1.800.680.2208 | 907.680.2208 | F: 907.680.2268

Anchorage Office:

11001 O'Malley Centre Drive, STE 105 | Anchorage, AK  99515

PH: 1.866.561.2452 | 907.561.2452 | F: 907.561.2453

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