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Dear Shareholders,


I would like to express a deep gratitude to all shareholders who voted during this election, voting validates your interest and ownership of our corporation.  I am honored at the support received during my campaign, and will do my best to follow in the footsteps of previous board members. I have respect for the commitment they have shown in their service to you and it will continue to encourage me to serve in the best interest of all shareholders. 


One of our previous Directors was my father Roy Wolkoff, Sr., who served with great dedication on the ONC Board.  He continues to inspire me to serve you with commitment, by continuing to work in honor of our culture, community and to work cooperatively with my fellow ONC Board of Directors, the CEO/President, its Management and staff as we work collaboratively toward the continued success of ONC!




Caroline Wolkoff-Harvey

Caroline Wolkoff-Harvey


ONC Shareholders, 

I would like to thank you for your support. It is a great honor to serve you as a Board Member of Ouzinkie Native Corporation, ONC. I respect the service of past and present Board Members, together they have made decisions that have directed our corporation, and brought us great successes. As we continue to grow I’m excited to be a part of a team looking forward to a financially successful future! I will work diligently with fellow board members on each of the ONC committees I serve. They are; SIDCO, Scholarship, Grand View Entries and Wasilla Center Development.


As a previous employee of ONC I gained valuable insight to serving our shareholders. Working closely with our Board, management and staff as the Senior Administrative Assistant and the Shareholder Development Coordinator, I was able to further understand our business and provide input to supporting our business goals. My additional work experience includes Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association as the Head Start Health/Nutrition Coordinator and as a Business Owner managing a Daycare and an Organic Cleaning Business. With my combined experience, I feel I can contribute and provide insight into all aspects of operating a business successfully and I will apply that knowledge as a Board Member.


I resolve to apply prior knowledge and to work cooperatively with fellow board members, management and staff to ensure a sound, ethical, and a profitable corporation by supporting goals for long term financial security. I also support investing in our people by increasing cultural and elder programs, supporting youth through internship and scholarship opportunities and to work collaboratively to enhance connections between corporate and community. I commit to work for fellow shareholders through hard work, fairness, integrity, objectivity and cultural sensitivity and welcome hearing from you anytime.

                                            - Caroline


Ouzinkie Office:

P. O. Box 89 | Ouzinkie, AK 99644

PH: 1.800.680.2208 | 907.680.2208 | F: 907.680.2268

Anchorage Office:

11001 O'Malley Centre Drive, STE 105 | Anchorage, AK  99515

PH: 1.866.561.2452 | 907.561.2452 | F: 907.561.2453

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